If you followed along through the monthly financial updates thus far, you probably figured out our monthly average budget of $5,000 would lead us to a total of $60,000 in spending for all of 2020. So how did we do compared to that goal? You’re about to find out! CATEGORY…
A True Introduction
Alright, alright. Enough with the numbers. While I had that backlog of monthly updates to get out of my drafts folder upon finally launching the blog, I realized that I should probably introduce myself (albeit anonymously) before rambling any further. Provide a little context to the anonymous spreadsheet-worshipping you’ve become…
December 2020 Financial Update
Happy New Year! I hope you made it through the holidays happy and healthy and took some time to reflect on the dumpster fire that was 2020. Here’s hoping the world can figure their shit out in 2021. Now let’s talk about money! In our inaugural blog post, I briefly…
November 2020 Financial Update
As the seasons begin to change here in Minnesota, so change the details of our financial comings and goings. Our goals, though, remain the same. In our inaugural blog post, I briefly introduced you to our goal of achieving financial independence (“FI”) by the age of 35* and shared that…
October 2020 Financial Update
I’ll cut to the chase. The wheels came off (for our budget at least) in October. Check out the gory details below. In our inaugural blog post, I briefly introduced you to our goal of achieving financial independence (“FI”) by the age of 35* and shared that we are already…