• Saving

    Save Money Today: Mr. Rebates

    In my last post, I introduced you to a brilliant way to easily save money each time you shop online using Rakuten. Today, I’ve got a similar online shopping helper to show you: Mr. Rebates. It takes just minutes to sign up and you’re on your way to having more…

  • Saving

    Save Money Today: Rakuten

    If you’re like me, you hate shopping. More likely, you’re not like me, and you fall somewhere on the Don’t Mind It → Can’t Live Without It spectrum. Wherever you fall, I’ve got a way to make shopping slightly more enjoyable with just a few mouse clicks. You can save…

  • Financial Updates

    March 2021 Financial Update

    Another month in the books so it’s time for another FIby35 Financial Update post. March was quite generous overall, as the S&P 500 closed near an all-time high (yet again), Mrs. FIby35 received her annual bonus, and we’re experiencing the first signs of Spring here in Minnesota. Let’s see how…